Monday, November 13, 2006

Quick update

Had a phone conversation with the aforementioned professor I would like to study with at a fine institution of higher learning that shall remain nameless so I can claim that it was wherever I end up. It went well, if not smashingly. I remain encouraged, and yet more prepared for a letdown.

No classes next week, thanks to the American Academy of Religion meeting in DC. That means more reading and a second date with the GRE. Go crazy folks. Go crazy.

Butch Davis will leave UNC for a better football program. This I know. Where will he go? Will UNC become Texas' AAA club, much like Kansas is for us in basketball?

With the first day of truly shitty weather in the Bay Area now upon us (mid-50's and a nice, blowing sneeze from God), it is now officially higher-proof whiskey season. My beer selections will be getting darker as well. I like rainy days. Adam Duritz lives in my neighborhood, you know, 'round here.


BC said...

I have a jar of moonshine coming in from the coast sometime in the next couple of weeks. It's in Oriental now.
Mmmm. Corn whiskey.

Downtown Trolley Brown, sir. That is all ye know and all ye need know. Should ye approach the Triangle during ye christmas visit, ye should also try the Imperial Stout at the Brewery of Carolina.
Mmmm. Higher alcohol content as a coping mechanism for colder weather is encouraged, though not by Dr. Sanjay Assmuncher Gupta.

sjl said...

The early winners in the winter beer race are Pyramid Snowcap Ale and Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. I had some Oriental whiskey recently. It was awful.