Gavin Newsom update: The Chronicle has run an interview today with Jennifer Siebel, B-list actress and girlfriend of the SF Mayor (also his date for the parade- mystery solved). In a nice little bit of "stand by your man"/kick the other woman while she's in rehab and her marriage is in trouble, she says this about the mayor's affair, which occured well before he met Siebel:
She's right of course; she shouldn't have said that. Of course it was the woman's fault, and not the highly influential politician. There's really no way he could be in any way accountable for whether or not he has sex with his friend's wife. I'm sure he had no idea what he was doing."I shouldn't say this, but there are two sides to every story,'' she said in an exhausted tone. "If people did research into the scandal ... the woman is the culprit. Alex Tourk is a nice man and it saddens me that his wife did that to him.
"This 'scandal' is selling papers -- sensationalized tabloid papers,'' she added. "Gavin's a wonderful human being, and I wouldn't be here (continuing the relationship) if he wasn't.
"All of this stuff that happened and came out was in a darker period of Gavin's life: going through a divorce, losing his mother, being under all the pressure he is under. The supervisors and The Chronicle have not made things any easier. It's amazing that he's as sane and healthy and down-to-earth as he is."
NCSU/UNC in about an hour. Our boys played their best game of the season yesterday. I'm hoping they can keep it up, though a tourney invite for the 'Pack would slightly soften the blow if we lose. Psycho T was a man possessed yesterday. I loved it.
Thesis defense Tuesday. Can't wait.
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