Sunday, April 01, 2007

Opening Day

Today, every team has the same record. This means that the Orioles, who hope to avoid their 10th straight losing season, are currently undefeated. The Yankees have not won a single game. The bullpen that the Orioles went out and bought gets to see what they can do. From now until October, I will be able to listen to or watch baseball almost every day. As a baseball fan, Opening Day is possibly my favorite day of the year.
As for the Orioles, my hope for this year is that they can play .500 ball. The mere fact that they invested in relief pitching during the offseason is encouraging, although Peter Angelos' refusal to sell the team indicates that more mediocrity is on the way. Esskay hot dogs, though, has a great commercial running on Baltimore radio stations with the refrain, "We were there for the Ripken years." My team ought to get better this year, and my favorite player ever, in any sport, will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I love baseball season.

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