Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Vaious things, mainly baseball

I went to see Thomas Mapfumo (The Lion of Zimbabwe) at Yoshi's last night. The show was cool on any number of levels. Heavily improvised but still extremely rhythmic African music is always a good thing (the guy who's giving a couple of us lessons in playing mbira music was the special guest). In addition, we got to see a little bit of the anger Mapfumo holds toward the ruling regime in Zimbabwe- there were a decent number of ex-pats at the show as well. Just a cool evening with a great band.

Today's mind-numbing quote of the day comes from Chapel Hill High alum Brian Roberts who, when asked which ballpark is hardest to play in, replied thusly:
Probably Boston and New York [Yankees]. They are always packed. Boston is really tough because it's always loud and it's just a good home atmosphere. But we've lost a lot of games [in the Metrodome], I know that. I think coming here and playing in the dome is very hard. It's an adjustment for everybody. When they got a lot of people here, it's very loud. I was hitting and it was very loud.

Writing my M.A. thesis was hard. I think that writing it was hard. I was writing, and it was very difficult.

Today's website that immediately won a spot on my .rss roster is It's a blog made up of stupid things said by sportscasters and snarky comments about said sportscasters. Nothing further need be said. Bonus points for a spectacular url.

There are a couple of 1:05 games on the East Coast today, which means that I get to start listening to baseball at 10:05. I haven't made my morning coffee yet (I was at the gym, picking up heavy things and putting them back down), so I'm all set to go for the rare coffee/newspaper/baseball game trifecta. Other items on the to-do list, assuming the trifecta does not render the time/space continuum obsolete, include some housework, going to get something tasty for dinner, and a little bit of initial research on my term papers. They're due in 6 weeks. This will be a personal record in getting a jump on an assignment, not counting the thesis, which was officially filed yesterday.

No classes for the rest of the week, as all of the Christians are preparing for the crucifixion (even the Greeks). Having no clerical duties myself, I hope to get ahead on some work and maybe take a quality nap or two.

1 comment:

BC said...

Firejoemorgan is funny. That is all.