Thursday, August 10, 2006

Random notes:

Jerry Garcia died 11 years ago yesterday.

I translated a german text last night detailing the role of "The Matrix" in propogating a feminist theological formulation of the Trinity. In English, of course, nouns don't have genders, so it matters less.

I was hoping that this would happen.

This may be my favorite standup bit ever.


BC said...

Wouldn't it be great if some dude could just put a CD in and seconds later you could say, "I know German," then have Larry Fishbourne say, "Show me." (But in German of course.)

sjl said...

Larry Fishbourne, who will to me be forever known as Cowboy Curtis.

BC said...

that sh*t is on tv again.
btw- showtime's show "weeds" is worth renting.