Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Shake Shake Shake...

Today is the 100 year anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. If you live here, you're probably nervous. You see, the local media has talked about virtually nothing else for the last two weeks. We live two blocks away from the Hayward Fault, which seismologists predict will be the next troublemaker. Interestingly, it also runs through the Cal football stadium. Yesterday, the local NPR station ran a story about the fault running under Hearst avenue. I listened to the story in my car, while driving up Hearst Avenue. The quake coverage has been a little overwhelming for us, as there is almost nothing that we can do to prepare for the Big One.

They say you should be prepared to be on your own for 72 hours. We rent our apartment, and it's in a pre-1906 building, which is good or bad, depending on your perspective, but what that means is that we can only hope it's up to snuff. It's hard to imagine being on your own in the middle of a big city for three days, but we only need to look at New Orleans for an example.

I am quite ready for this anniversary to pass.

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